Posts Tagged ‘sex addiction’

“You really never cease to amuse me. Even while on the hospital bed, you still live up to your reputation”

Listening to Laka’s self rigtheous comments, right in front of the kids was really insulting. While we were married, if there was no audience, he never enjoyed the fight, he was yet to change. Now, he had two- the kids and the doctor.

“Mum, I see you’re recovering well” Joy, never one to miss undercurrents told me in way of greeting.

I kept quiet still observing them. I had no interest in picking a fight against the combined front of my husband and daughter. They’d punch me out.

“Hi, I am the doctor…” The doctor began only for Laka to interrupt him…
“That will soon fuck my ex-wife”
“That’s really an unfair and untruthful allegation.
“Laka, what exactly are you doing here?” I finally jumped in. “And why are you mouthing off in front of the kids?”
“So, now you consider the kids? Your indiscretion nearly cost them their mother and you don’t feel bad about it, rather, you’re already working your charms on this not so gullible doctor?!”
“Fuck you, Laka!” I screamed at him… “You have absolutely no right to judge me. It took my near-death experience to bring you to see your kids and you’d judge?”.
“That’s a lie and you know it!” Laka screamed
“It is the truth!” I screamed back at him.
“Calm down!” The doctor shouted.
“Stay away!” Laka and I fired back at him in unison.


I am Kusee. I don’t get scared. This became my mantra as I drove all the way from Ritzzy to my home. Mercifully, Joy and Jake ignored me all the way. Jake as usual, Joy…not so usual. She pretended to be fascinated with all the great stuffs happening everywhere but inside the car. That was fine by me. I hope she grows up to learn to ignore all the things I cared about. If not..well, another fuck-head wouldn’t be too bad.

I drove to my gate and honked steadily while watching my back through the rear and side  mirrors looking for what? A car that might be stalking me? Well, yes, I live in a really posh house with posh surroundings but, I didn’t even know if the man whom I had fucked earlier even owned a bicycle, so? That didn’t stop me looking or even ease my tension.

The gate was swung open and before my gateman had nodded his perfunctory wave in greeting, I was already at the door of my garage. He came running over after locking the gate.

“Ma good day”

“Help Jake out of the car and if Joy cannot find her shoes, find them for her” That was my response. Yes, Joy always misplaced her shoes even though they might be right in front of her but no, I don’t care much for the little people.

I believe that the baddest of humans were those who once cared too much…like I used to.

“Mum, my shoes?”

“Moses would get them” I replied Joy-typical

He was helping out Jake first of all.

The door of my house was flung open just as I lifted my hand to knock at the door but, noticed a shadow beside the wall of the house.  It was as though someone threw a bucket of cold water on me. Mike?! I looked behind me and was glad that Moses and the kids were now inside but, Moses…he was needed here too. The only other person who should be home was my nineteen years old house girl. Where the fuck was she anyway? I was home late too so she definitely should be home but,…I took off my stilettos, kept one and took up one.

I would only go down fighting. I quietly snuck to the side of the wall and waited for the shadow to make a move. (more…)